Poster Presentation, AGU23, San Francisco, CA
Poster Presentation, AGU23, San Francisco, CA
Poster Presentation, AGU23, San Francisco, CA
Poster Presentation, AGU23, San Francisco, CA
Poster Presentation, AGU23, San Francisco, CA
Poster Presentation, GSA Connects 2023, Pittsburg, PA
Poster Presentation, NE/SEGSA 2023, Reston, VA
Ecosystem and climate of ancient ice-free periods on northwestern Greenland
Poster Presentation, Greenland Icesheet Stability: Lessions from the Past, Bergen Norway
Invited talk, AGU23 fall meeting, Chicago, IL
Oral Presentation, AGU Fall 2021, New Orleans, LA
Poster Presentation, AGU Fall 2021, New Orleans, LA
Oral Presentation, GSA Connects 2021, Portland, Oregon
Oral Presentation, PALSEA-SERCE Meeting, 2021, Palisades, NY
Camp Century revisited: an ecosystem under the ice reveals Greenland’s warmer past
Andrew Christ, Key Note Speaker, Arctic Workshop, 2021, Online Meeting hosted by INSTAAR
Oral Presentation, AGU Fall 2020, Online
Oral Presentation, GSA Connects 2020, Online
Camp Century basal sediment revisited: a multi-parameter geochemical analysis, northwest Greenland
Oral Presentation, Goldschmidt 2020, Online
Oral Presentation, EGU 2020, Online